The engine of your big rig has a death sentence, it is so dead that even an overhaul is not an option. Rather than buying a new truck, you are maybe leaning toward replacing the engine. We all know too well the price tag of a new truck ($200K), high insurance cost ($1k ++ more per month than older truck), and, may not even be reliable. With some of the newer model rigs, dealers surely forget to mention the numerous problems with sensors and other emissions-related parts. Most handy truck owners can’t work on the computerized components without a scanner, some of the computerized issues are so complicated that even the dealers can't figure out the problems themselves at times. The most scary story we hear all too frequent is, especially in Bay Area, when your brand new trucks are sent to the dealer for shop warranty, usually for weeks to months, while you lose the truck to make a living, your monthly payment bill does not stop coming. After you weigh the pros and cons of buying new or restoring old, and if rebuilding an used semi truck and restoring it to working order is the way you decide to go, you've definitely got a big project ahead.
