Often time, drivers find a slow radiator coolant leak will put it off by adding some fluid and leave it, with the intention of taking care of it at a later time. Unfortunately, ignoring a heavy duty truck radiator leak can become a very costly decision if delayed too long or not watched properly. Radiator leak is almost impossible to fix on the road, the professionals suggest best to leave to the radiator repair shop. Not to Momentum!!! Last night, we performed a road service, it took us 3.5 hours of labor to perform the roadside repair include parts sourcing in Golden Gate in a heavy commute traffic from Oakland to Concord, CA. The cost for us to get the truck up and running is a fraction of the tow cost along, not to mention the driver's income lost due to truck being down, and the pricey shop repair tag. Estimate saving $6,500 - tow from Concord to Golden Gate $1,000, Uber to Modesto $ 300 (round trips). Shop repair $1,200, revenue lost $4,000 (say 2 weeks down).
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