Loaded 2018 Volvo Shut Down W/M exit 40 on HWY 8
80 with Check Engine Light on
Fuel System Contamination - Fuel System Contamination shut our customer’s loaded truck down on 880 ... 🙁
A 2018 Volvo truck broke down on the highway 880; we were called in to rescue. Tech arrived at the site, hooked up the computer, pulled 3 error codes.
P20EE – SCR NOx Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold Bank 1
P008A - Low Pressure Fuel System Pressure - Too Low
P20DC - Exhaust Aftertreatment Fuel Supply Control Stuck Closed
Upon inspection, we found the fuel system had quite a bit of debris & sediment. We thought either the tank was contaminated or the cap was open at some point of time. The debris was present on the fuel filter, fuel pump, filter base, fuel lines. Left side to dealer to source a new fuel filter and hoping the fuel pump is not compromised by the fuel contamination. Replace the dirty fuel filter with a new one, further removed off A LOT of dirt near the filter base. Total 4 hours included parts sourcing but hooray, we got the truck up and running again. We just saved the customer a hefty towing fee (loaded truck), expensive shop repair with the truck back in service within 4 hours. Mission completed!
