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The Heartache after a Hit-And-Run

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

Someone hit and run your parked vehicle!! Oh, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

When someone hits your parked vehicle, not only do you need to go through the hassle of calling the police, filing an accident report, you also want to call your insurance company, wondering whether your auto insurance covers the collision coverage or how much they will jack up your policy next year. 

The newer the vehicle is, the more specific procedures/intensive labor it requires to fix your car; even for the repair materials such as sealants, body cavity wax, and foams, it costs more. An expensive repair for a new vehicle is simply the new norm in the autobody repair industry. It is no longer uncommon for an average frontend hit or a sideswipe to cost $15,000 or more to repair. 

Not at Momentum. We have a kick-ass mobile bodywork technician that can perform any type of auto body repair at a fraction of any autobody shops charge you, plus remotely, plus within days.

For my car, he fixes it as if nothing had happened in 2 days, flawlessly. The cost of the repair is less than the deductible amount I have to invest should I decide to go through my insurance policy. With him on my team, I am so worry-free when I have to park my car on the street again! #mobilebodyrepairs #collisiondamage #bumperdamage #bodydents #scratchesinthepaint #minorfenderbenders #majorcollisions 



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