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The most worrisome Scene – Finding Oil Spots At Where You Park.

Oil leaks are something any truck owners cannot afford to ignore. Not all trained, certified mechanics know and are capable to figure out what causes engine oil leaks and stop the leaks. So what causes engine oil leaks? The vast majority of leaks are due to degraded engine gaskets, oil pan leaks, oil seals or bad connections. Crawl under the truck and check the oil pan seals. Next the oil pan drain plug. Next check the timing cover seal and the valve cover gaskets. Problems with engine oil leak normally requires extensive labor hours to address, so choosing "the" mechanics to work on the oil leaks is crucial for every business owners that own a truck fleet. Last night, our specialists completed an engine leak repair remotely, in customer's yard. Totally labor is 25 hours with 2 team technicians, done in 3 days. Parts we replaced were rear engine house gasket, 2 seals, main rear seal, pilot bearing, brake clutch, oil pan gasket. Cost for these parts was $800-900. Ideally, we should replace the clutch assy, imput shaft of the transmission as well. But to add all these parts will bring the parts cost to $3K. Customer is a mid-sized trucking company that does not have a deep pocket to spend. So we replaced the visibly damaged parts to get the truck leak free for 5 years or so. Customer is super happy.

So who is to say oil leak can only be performed in the dealer? Think again, capable mechanics don't need a fancy shop to do the magic. Do the math next, imagine how much the repair tag will be in the dealer? Lastly, when you think you will be able to start generating profit from your truck again? Maybe weeks if lucky or months which is a norm. Can't you just agree more that our experts accomplished is priceless.



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