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Crown 30RCTT 
Brand New USA battery that is only 0.5 year old, the remaing OEM warranty 4.5 years will carry over to the new owner 
Charger included 
Model: 30RCTT 
Serial Number: 1120 
DC Voltage: 36 
Battery Type: E 
Hour Rate: 6 
Maximum Amp. Hr. Capacity: 1120 
Fork Length: 42" 
Capacity: 3000 lbs. 
Truck Type: E 
If you have a tiny space in an indoor warehouse, a standup forklift is probably the right equipment for you. Unless you have a deep pocket, it is silly to invest so much money in a new electric forklift ($37K) as all the new forklifts will definitely turn ugly sooner or later. Everybody knows in the forklift business know the most expensive piece of an electric forklift is battery. Our lift comes with a brand new USA battery, with this battery, the next owner is guaranteed to be worry free for another 4.5 years (OEM warranty). 6 month leasing option available, email to ask if interested. If you are just looking or shopping, this lift may not suit your need, so please do not approach to waste time. 

Towing not included, finance option avialable. 

Crown 30RCTT Stand Up Electric Forklift - 3000 LB, 3 stage

SKU: Crown 30RCTT

    © 2018 by Momentum Battery & Lift Truck Solutions

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